Kerry D. asks…

Q. I’ve got a job interview next week. Any tips for me?

A. My friend Carl Ollerer, HR Mgr. at Trelleborg Sealing Solutions, has these recommendations:

What is Good Interviewing Protocol?
• Arrive on time (this means 10 minutes early).
• Dress appropriately.
• Bring a copy of your resume, a pen, and paper with you.
• Bring some examples of your work, if possible.
• Exhibit good body language: smiling, eye contact, solid posture, active listening, nodding.
• Ask questions in the interview (this shows planning and interest).
• Send a thank you note (email) after the interview. What you should say:
o Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to meet with me.
o I was very interested to learn ______________ about your company.
o I look forward to discussing this job opportunity with you further.

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